Saturday, March 19, 2011

Apparently You're Not Supposed to Take Pictures While You Drive

Today Lindsey, Andrew, Ben, and I went to Chipotle.  I think I have been every weekend since it has opened.  And thats not taking into consideration the weekends I went twice.  It was delicious as usual but my favorite part of the trip was Andrew's driving advice.  I was scolded when I started the car without a) buckling, b) adjusting my mirrors, and c) making sure everyone in the car was seated and buckled.  After I had properly done my safety check, restarted the car, and made it to the interstate I apparently broke another rule by taking this while going down the interstate. 

"NO PICTURES while driving!" -Andrew 
(I love that I caught him admonishing me in the background.)

Andrew, I read that study guide for my drivers test too, and there was NO rule about not taking pictures while driving.  Just sayin'. 

I let Lindsey take this one.

I feel like Andrew's face perfectly displays his feelings about my hands being at 10 and 2 on the steering wheel instead of the proper 9 and 3.  Ben was just happy I bought him chocolate on the way to the car. 

As happy as I am for Andrew to be driving soon, I feel like I may not survive the next couple weeks of his backseat driving.  I suppose an easy solution to my problem may be to just not take pictures while I drive...but what fun would that be?!


  1. You 4 are so beautiful...just sayin

  2. On the INTERSTATE!!! I have so done this, but for some reason it is so much scarier when someone else does it. I'm glad you have Andrew to keep you safe...haha
