Wednesday, May 30, 2012

When in Rome

Happy are the people whose strength is in You, 
whose hearts are set on pilgrimage. (Psalm 84:5)

I have yet to come up with a better way to describe the state of my heart--it is indeed set on pilgrimage.  Set on pilgrimage around Europe.  Set on pilgrimage with Jesus.  I am determined to be teachable.  I am determined to be delight-able.  I am determined to be present in each moment.  I will enjoy the beauty of each statue, each building, each person.  I will listen closely to all Jesus would say about His world, His people, His heart.  
I am in love with Europe.  Madly in love.  Here is a little glimpse of my Journey to Roma and my first days here:

Lauren’s parents drove us to the airport on Saturday, May 26.  We got on a 5:30pm flight and flew to Paris.  My plans of sleeping all 8 hours of the flight failed miserably, but  I think I may have fallen asleep for an hour or two between 10 and 12 pm my time.  We landed at what was 1:00am for me but it was 8am in Paris.  

At that point sleep didn’t matter though.  I had already fallen hard for Europe.  Mostly because of these kids.  They were on their way home to Madrid and they reminded me of Lindsey, Andrew, Ben, and I.  Drama and all.  I hope they didn't know I was taking pictures of them.  Lauren wouldn't let me give them candy.

This is the view off of a balcony on our floor.  I am becoming friends with the woman on the second floor.  We wave at each other sometimes.  Okay once.  

On Monday we went to the Milvian Bridge.  I loved learning about this in Christianity and Western Culture my first semester at Moody so actually being at the bridge and hearing Dr. Litfin teach about it again was such a full circle moment.  

My Best Roommate ever.  We are loving life in Italy.  Friends, oy! :)  That was for you Laurenita.  

After the Milvian Bridge we went to a park that had a beautiful view of the city of Rome.

Here are all the ladies of our trip, including our lovely tour guide Christina, on the Spanish Steps.  This is where artists used to gather in Rome.  Now high end fashion shows are held here.  Gucci heels, Prada purses and all.  We were rocking our Keds and backpacks.  

After dinner, Tuesday night, some of us went to see the "Colosseo" (Colosseum) all lit up!  As I thought about all of the Christians who died in the name of Jesus right inside this magnificent structure, I kept thinking, "Jesus, you are so worth it."  To worship and obey, whatever that requires of us, it is worth it.  To know Jesus, no matter what the cost, is worth it.  

Tuesday morning we did not have class and instead headed out for an inside tour of the Colosseum during the day.  The wooden floor is no longer there so the cells underneath that held the animals and the prisoners are visible.  Such a magnificent architectural structure used for such ugly purposes.  

Here is the Arch of Constantine.  It is a military memorial that was dedicated to Constantine in 315 AD by the Senate and the people of Rome in honor of Constantine's victory at the Milvian bridge.  

We toured Palatine Hill but I would need a whole separate blog post to explain all of the awesome history there.  Essentially we saw the stone foundations of houses that have been dated back to the 8th century BC and ruins from Caesar's palace from the 1st century BC.  

Here is Titus' Arch.  It celebrates the victory of Titus over the Jews when Jerusalem was conquered in 70AD.  

The Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine.  And even more importantly, some friends.  

Oh, you know, just some Italian pizza with a beautiful friend in front of the Colosseum.  We were re-fueling before a tour of some churches in Rome.  

Here is where I am going to have to exercise some major self-control.  I want to write out every little thing that I learn about the three churches (and one Baptistry) that I saw but I won't...for now.  But I'm not promising that there won't be a more comprehensive post to follow about the churches and how they made me feel.  

So in short, here is St. John's Basilica and Constantine's Baptistry which is connected to it.  

Getting some history for Dr. Litfin inside of St. Johns.  

And finally, St. John's from the front.  
"How lovely is Your dwelling place, Lord of Hosts.  I long and yearn for the courts of the Lord.  My heart and flesh cry out for the living God." (Psalm 84:1,2)    
If these earthy churches are breathtakingly beautiful, I can only imagine what the real deal is like!  

This picture was taken outside of The Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem (Basilica di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme).  

Inside was this plaque which reads (in abbreviated Greek) "Jesus Christ, the Victor".

And, definitely one of my favorites, Jesus smiling while holding a book which says, "I am the light of the world."  

We ended the day at the Basilica di san Clemente.  This was my favorite!  It was a church, on top of a 4th century church, on top of [what was probably] a 1st century house church.  And we got to see all three levels!  When on the 1st century level, I couldn't help but think about the believers that could have met in the room I was standing in.  The same faith.  The same hope.  The same Jesus.  If there wouldn't have been other people down there I would have started dancing, but since I was not alone for long I just envisioned us all dancing before Jesus together one day--in pure adoration of the One who is our very life.  

We passed the Colosseum once more to get to the train, so I took one final picture.  Absolutely breathtaking.  

Wednesday (today) we had class at breakfast at 7:30.  Every morning I wake up and look forward to the cappuccino that I will enjoy with my Italian pastry and fruit.  In fact I think of that cappuccino several times throughout the day.  At 8:30 we headed to class and then headed to the ruins of Osvia (an ancient Roman port city) at 1:00.  

Johnny and I and our matching stripes.  

We found a 2nd century sewer tunnel in one of the houses.  Kory, Chris, and I crawled through (40 yards) and found this opening at the end.

Our little archaeological selves found this pottery in the tunnel!

Best Italian memory so far.  Crawling through ancient sewage tunnels.

Well, it's 11:13pm and I am sitting in the lounge of our hostel with some friends.  Its time for me to start reading for class tomorrow.  If I'm lucky, we might go grab pastries and coffee before we continue reading.  

So many more European posts to come!  Thanks for reading. 

(No time to check for spelling because I REALLY have to pass this Pauline Epistles class...)
(And a huge thanks to Lauren and Jin for the last 4 phtotos. You ladies are incredible photographers.  I don't know what I would do without you.)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Two Adventures End--Two More Begin

At 8:00 am on Thursday, May 10, I had my very last final of my Freshman(ish) year of college at Moody Bible Institute!  As soon as I finished my exam I headed back up to my room for a birthday morning nap--which was to no avail.  Birthdays are too exciting for naps.  

Lauren, sweet friend and roommate that she is, took me to coffee at my favorite coffee shop in the world, which luckily for me, happens to be a walk just a short walk across the "plaza". Kari just happened to be at Joe's too-I was thrilled that she joined us!  

Denis met us at Joe's because he had something for me: a ROMANIAN mug.  I was so delighted when I opened it that I cried.  I was thankful that Lauren was there to explain to Denis that I was crying "happy tears".  I cannot wait to get back to school in August, unpack my mug, and USE it!  

At lunch time Lauren blind folded me and brought me to the park.  I had for weeks been sharing my dream of eating chicken nuggets in the park with friends and Lauren (and my other friends) made my dream a birthday reality!  When Lauren took off my blindfold, there was, right before my eyes, a blanket covered with friends and 60 chicken nuggets.  Literally, a  dream come true.  

After chicken in the park, we all enjoyed a nap in the park.  (Allie captured our nap with the picture below.)

I had known for a while that Mom and Dad would be coming on my birthday to celebrate and then, to help me move out of college the next day.  Well, at around 3:00 I got a call from Melissa asking if I'd help her get something off the elevator.  I agreed and when I rounded the corner, she had her camera out to record my reaction to what was happening.  Mom and Dad were there...then Ben and Andrew walked around the corner!  I had absolutely NO idea that they were coming.  When we said goodbye after Spring Break I thought I wouldn't get to see them again until August.  What a sweet birthday surprise!  I'm so thankful their teachers let them out of school, and I only wish Lindsey's work schedule would have allowed her to come too.  

We spent the rest of the afternoon walking to the beach and enjoying dinner and dessert together.  

Oh man! I love them so!

At 7:00 my family headed out to the suburbs to sleep at my mom's sister's house and I headed back to my dorm to go out for ice-cream with my friends.  After getting our ice-cream we headed to the beach for a couple quick pictures together.  These really are a few of my favorite things.  

It was Mirela and Kari's first time trying waffle cones!  I was so happy to share that experience with them :)

The rest of my birthday evening was spent frantically cleaning and packing to be ready for 10:00 room checks.  The next day, Mom and Dad and the boys came back and successfully moved me out of what had been my home for over 9 months.  Lauren and I have got some great memories in that room.  And we are looking forward to another great semester in room 1022 when we return in August.  

On May 10th I celebrated the completion of my 19th year of life.  I also celebrated the completion of my first full year of college away from home.  I'm so thankful for the joy that has characterized both of these adventures.  And although the ending of and good adventure can be difficult, I am not dismayed, because two beautiful new adventures await me:  my 20th year of life and a semester studying abroad in Europe.  I am thrilled to find out what things to be enjoyed and what challenges to be overcome await me in these adventures!